Elaine Mobsby Membership Secretary
HI. I’M Elaine

Originally from Scotland I came to live in Birmingham in 1989. Married with 3 children and 6 grandchildren I’ve enjoyed singing from an early age in both school and college.

I started my barbershop singing journey when I went along to an Open Evening being held by Second City Sound. My daughter Michelle and I really enjoyed the evening and decided to join the chorus.I have now been a member of the chorus for 30yrs receiving my 30yrs certificate and pin badge this year.

I also sing baritone in a quartet called Jiggle along with my daughter and two friends where we achieved a silver medal. We also have lots of fun making great memories and love being together.

I hold the positions of Membership Secretary and Bari Section Leader within the chorus and enjoy my roles. I am also on a few committees within the chorus.

I love being part of this wonderful barbershop family and have made lots of friends within Second City Sound who are very friendly and supportive to everyone.

My other hobbies I enjoy doing are baking, reading and walking.